My name is Antoinette and this is my very first blog. If anyone should happen to stumble across my new little blog, please be patient with me as I get my bearings on the world of blogging.
"A Series of 30 Day Challenges" is just that. Each month, I will complete a new 30 day challenge. Initially they will be health focused (eating right, working out, etc) but eventually I will have crafting, meals, and anything else I can thing of.
The reason for this is simple. I tend to get distracted very easily, I lose focus very easily. Also, I've been known to be "gung ho" on a project for a few weeks, do all the prep work then fizzle out. :-( If that describes you, feel free to join me on my quest.
That's when I thought about doing a series of different challenges. That way it stays fresh, keeps it interesting and I'll always have something new to accomplish (and I love accomplishing things).
My first series starts November 1, 2013 with the "Young and Raw 30 Day Smoothie Challenge". The goal is to drink one fresh smoothie a day. I think I can handle that. I have the Nutribullet for just that exact reason! My first smoothie will be:
This is taken from the email that you are sent each day during the challenge. To learn more about it, go to and look for the November Smoothie Challenge.
Smoothie of the Day
Day 1: Pineapple Cleanser Smoothie
1 rib of CeleryDay 1: Pineapple Cleanser Smoothie
½ field Cucumber
1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple
½ lemon, peeled
⅓ bunch parsley
1 inch piece ginger root
1-2 cups coconut water or water
Health Benefits:
This smoothie is very supportive of liver and kidney detoxification. Your liver has to process almost all of the substances that circulate through your body and the kidneys do a lot of work to flush out toxins from the fluids in your body. Keep both of these organs supported with this smoothie.